Stephanie's Homepage
A realm of recollections from my past work experience.
Hello everyone, my name is Stephanie Stiklus:) I am originally from Waterbury, CT and am currently a Junior at Elmira College, Majoring in Psychology and Minoring in Women's Studies. This homepage consists of my own artistic interpretation of the horrific working conditions I endured through out one particular job. Being a feminist has had an enormous impact upon the re evaluation of my past work experience. As my educational journey into the feminist world began during my sophomore year, I realized I was a victim of sexual harassment at my seasonal college work experience. My horrific work experience occurred during the summer of my Freshmen year at a very male dominated and orientated work environment. My position at the characteristic patriarchal establishment was as a full time cashier. Usually, my job as a full time cashier entailed approximately forty hours a week with occasional overtime hours. Also, my job as a full time cashier granted me the privilege of one day off a week, but unfortunately excluded weekends since they were the busiest times. Typically, I worked eight hour shifts scheduled mostly in the afternoon from around 2:30 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. Normally, my schedule arrangement was comprised of always working the weekend shift (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) and randomly assigned week days.
Ironically, this workplace stressed as one of its important components the ideal of respect for all people with an emphasis upon an environment free of discrimination and harassment. In addition, each individual was respected regardless of gender. Unfortunately, my job as a cashier did not actualize any of the important ideals of this establishment. However, this unendurable experience allowed myself to become a strong embodiment of the feminist movement, as I realized my rights as a woman to be free of sexual harassment and discrimination. Sadly, I can not name the establishment I worked for due to legal infringements and consequences. However, I will provide some artistic images to aid as hints on my journey of freedom of expression. Also, keep in mind I was a cashier at this establishment but feel free to utilize your skills of interpretation and let your imagination run wild. Finally, one defining characteristic of the establishment is its description as a big box home improvement store that doesn't begin with the letter "L."
The first poem entitled "An UnBeArAble WoRlD" is an expression of the issues I was confronted with at my first job as a cashier. This poem reflects my ability to manipulate my anguish into a form of art.
misconceptions, misunderstanding, TaUnTinG
eyes, Disillusioned,
discontented, disturbed, ErEiE utterances of
speech, Contemplation, confused
confessions, consequences? PaTrIaRcHaL
ancestry, Stereotypical,
shameless, solitude, PhOtoGeNiC
Memory, Hatred, heartache,
humiliation, RePulSiVe
touch, Discrimination, denial,
depression, InNoCeNt
face, Double sided mirror,
double-edged sword, WhOrE/ MaDoNnA
dichotomy, Flashbacks, anger,
frustration, DeMoNiC
possession, Eternal bleeding of the
soul, mind, and heart, UnFatHoMaBlE
authority, Shamed, stigmatized,
scorned, IrReVeRsIbLe
scarring, Unimaginable
compulsions, explosive temperament, untouchable, NoT
GuIlTy, UnQuEsTiOnEd
DoMiNaTiOn, ReBOrN aS A
GoD, PoWeRfUl BeCaUsE
YoU'rE a MaLe.
In order to conquer my past traumatic experiences at my patriarchal working establishment, this Wonder Woman Barbie is a symbol of my ability to conquer my weaknesses through overcoming them with strength.