Halau Hula O Maiki

Haku Mele- a writer of chants or songs
Hala - in this context it means someone who has passed away
Halau - meeting house for hula instruction
Hi'iaka - Pele's sister
Ho'opili - to refer or relate
Hula - Hawaiian dance
Kahiki - Tahiti
Kahiko - old, ancient
Kauliua - traditional chant of Kaua'i
Kila - name of a person
Kokua - to help
Kumu Hula - teacher of hula
Kupuna - elder
La'a - name of a person
Laka - Deity of Hula
Lei - garland of flower
Lo'i - taro paddies
Mahalo - thank you
Maile - a native twining shrub
Moikeha - name of a person
Mo'olelo - history or story
Na Mea Hawai'i - things Hawaiian
Na opio - adolescents
Ohana - family
Pa'u - woman's skirt
Pahu - drum
Pele - Goddess of fire

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