"These women share one characteristic: DEFIANCE. Although they were isolated from each other, both by time and by geographic location, they all defied conformance." Roger Streitmatter (Author of "Raising Her Voice")


The women portrayed on this page were members of two minorities, one of being a professional woman and the other of being an African-American. They have overcome obstacles that have put them in a league of their own. Despite racial and sexual biases against them, they have succeeded in their profession as women journalists. They and others like them have left their footprints at major events in American history.

Ida B. Wells
Alice Dunnigan
Marvel Cooke

Mary Ann Shadd Cary
Gertrude Bustill Mossell
Josephine St Pierre Ruffin
Charlotta A. Bass
Dealilah L. Beasley
Maria W. Stewart

Charlayne Hunter-Gault
Ethel L. Payne