The Beginnings of Sharman


 Sharman grew up in the northeast and, in high school, got involved with the school newspaper. After taking a journalism class in her senior year, she was sure that she wanted to become a journalist.

In college Sharman majored in broadcast journalism. In her freshman year, Sharman did the Saturday morning news for the college radio A.M. station. She was required to wake up at four in the morning on Saturdays. She also was involved with a second radio station. This one was on the FM band and her shift was not quite as early as her freshman year radio adventure. In addition to radio, Sharman was also involved with independent video projects. Sharman's main goal in college, other than graduating, was to gain as much experience in broadcast journalism as she could. She even took the extra step by acquiring several internships. Sharman offered some insight into what employers in her field are looking for. She says, "Everybody has a degree nowadays, you want to get experience."

Does Sharman see herself in the same line of work ten years from now? "I hope, I'll try, I want to be in this line of work ten years from now!"