A Day in the Life

10:15 a.m.

- Arrives at work.

-Her producer is already standing at the door with an assignment in his hand.

-She leaves the office to do live shots, vosades (45 second clips), and packages (90 second clips).

-A few hours later Sharman returns to her office to prepare for her show.

4:00 p.m.

-She writes up her stories and voices them.

-Turns them into the editor.

-Edits vosades and packages she completed that day.

6:00 p.m.

-Anchors 6 o'clock news

6:30 p.m.

-Goes to post meeting to talk over show and fix any mistakes.

8:00 p.m.

-Goes to gym, catches dinner and goes to bed.


Time Off

Sharman enjoys her time off. This is usually on the weekends. She spends her free time sleeping in, baking, and spending time with her boyfriend. When Sharman gets a chance to go home, she loves it! No one recognizes her and she couldn't be happier. She would rather get pushed out of the way in an airport, then to be noticed in a supermarket in jogging pants and her hair in a ponytail.Sharman admits she is quiet and low-key, now that she has "grown up."