Now and Then

(Laurie Ross is Second row, far left)

"During the time period I was in, the quality of the women was bad. There were some good ones, but they were far and few between." Today's women are much more equal to men in the eyes of society. Women aren't starting off at as great of a disadvantage.
Girls were much more naive. Women didnt realize that problems, such as sexual harassment, posed a realistic threat to them.

"You girls know more now than we knew then."

Society is much more open to address issues, such as sexual harrasment. There is a great deal of more respect for women today.

Society felt that women should have a very restricted role, if any at all, in the military.

Women do and SHOULD play an active role in the military. However, she would not like to see women go into the infantry or heavy combat.

"Being a Prisoner Of War would be much worse for women. The ways of torture are much worse."


". . . I would do it all over again."


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