Simple Facts About Ellen Tifft


Ellen Tifft is a small town writer who has had her work published many times. She writes poetry and fables, which have been published in several poetry books. These books have been both just her work and, in some cases, conglomerations of other writers as well. As a writer, Ellen feels accomplished in the facts that she has gotten her work accepted to be carried by the Barnes & Noble Book Stores throught the U.S. and also that she has secured a vendor, a task that she knows is difficult for a small scale writer. Ellen has also recently published a new novel, Moon, Moon, Tell Me True.

Process and Inspiration:

When asked about the ways in which she gets inspired to come up with the topics for her works, Ellen replied that the question was one that she was not very sure about. She said that she loved the sounds of things, and that many sounds cause her to think of scenarios that could be interesting in a poem or story. Ellen likes the fun and excitement of writing, and it seems to stem from the fact that she takes her time and goes over her work again and again. She referred to only one work that she said came to her all at once. The basic process that Ellen uses in her works is that of letting the work sit for a while and then returning to it later, when her thoughts may come more easily.

Other Interesting Facts:

Ellen has also spent a great deal of time traveling around the world. She talks particularly of the time that she spent in France. She tells stories of her time there, including how she enjoyed eating breakfast in Paris. She is a Quaker and attends a Meeting in Elmira. Ellen is strongly anti-war, is fascinated about how Einstein had a reading problem, and states that her works incorporate a wide variety of topics. The above statements may seem unrelated, and at first they may even seem as if they have nothing to do with writing. But if one looks at the variety of events that Ellen has encountered and the activities she loves, it is quite clear why her works are popular to readers everywhere.


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