Class Syllabus WMS 2901 Term III, 1997
Monday - Friday, 8:50 am - noon, Harris Hall & The Apple Orchard
Diane Maluso
Email: dmaluso@elmira.edu
Office: 238 McGraw Hall
Phone: 735-1907
In this class we will engage in a scholarly exploration of women's creative traditions in upstate New York. After conducting oral histories of living female artisans, we will work in a team (or teams) to explore and share these traditions via interviews, research, discussion, and the creation of a World Wide Web site on the Internet.
Objectives for the Course
To learn women's creative traditions in upstate New York's diverse cultural heritage and understand how they express women's responses to life experience, social roles, and cultural history.
To learn how to present these creative traditions to a wider audience using software and the Internet
To learn how to use the tools of oral history and folklore research such as tape-recorded interviews, photographic and video documentation, and transcription. |
Grading |
Grading will be determined on a "portfolio" basis. As projects are drafted, work in progress will be shared and constructively critiqued by students and the instructor. The projects will be continually revised, based on the critique sessions, until the final class meeting. Grades will be based on the overall quality of the final projects, member home pages, and level of participation in the class and team meetings .
Schedule |
The following schedule is subject to change. Check this Web page frequently for any changes. |