About Me

Hi. My name is Krista Marie Hitchcock. I was born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on October 4th, 1986. I am nineteen years old and currently live in Saco, Maine. My family moved from Florida to Maine when I was nine years old. It was a big change, especially the first winter that we had. When we first moved to Maine we had to stay with family members. My mom’s sister opened her house to us. After for living there for six months we moved into my mom’s father’s house. It was a tight squeeze, but we managed. Our move was a spur of the moment and we did the best we could for what we had. The reason for our move was due to my dad’s transfer in work. He was told that if we did move he would receive a better income and more benefits, so we took the chance.

Ever since I set foot in Maine, I fell in love with the state. Everything is so peaceful and spaced out. I like the sense of privacy. Although people believe that there is nothing to do, you can always find something. What can be any better than living in peaceful state and being next to the ocean? Maine is not called Vacationland for no reason, it truly is a place to vacation. During the summer the amount of tourists is crazy. And trying to get to work is always a hassle when you work at a beach shop downtown. This summer I will be working for the postal service. I was recently hired by the town of Gorham. I have had many jobs since I could work; I was a counselor at a camping resort, I worked in the camp store as a clerk, and I also worked for Reebok stitching and burning their sneakers. I am really excited for this summer.


My Studies

I am currently a freshman at Elmira College in Elmira, NY. I am a nursing student and have just completed my first year. Sadly though, I will be transferring to the University of Maine at Orono in the fall. I would like to be closer to home, near my family and friends. My roommate for next year is my best friend of eleven years. I am very excited to be spending my college years with her.

My first intentions of study were to become a teacher and teach middle school or high school level. But at the same I wanted to become a doctor and study pre-med. I finally decided that a nurse would be perfect as it was between a doctor and a teacher. I am looking to work in one of Maine’s hospitals as I want to continue to live in Maine. I am hoping to either work at Maine Medical Center or Mercy Hospital. I am debating between focusing my education towards pediatrics or the emergency room. I still have a long while until I must make that decision but I am certain that I would love to be involved with children.

Visit Elmira College Online- Click Here

Visit University of Maine at Orono Online- Click Here


My Interests

While in high school, I was involved in a lot of clubs and activities. I was always involved in community service projects. I volunteered at the soup kitchen almost every weekend during the winter and would help coach youth cheerleading teams. My senior year I was actually offered a job as the head cheerleading coach for the 3rd and 4th grade team. By having the opportunity of being a coach, I have grown to love and adore younger children. I would coach them three times a week, immediately following my own cheerleading practice. But no matter how difficult my practice was or how tired I may have felt, they always brought a smile to my face. I hope to continue to coach when I return to Maine this summer. And once I graduate college I hope to have a team of my own. Although I did not continue to cheer after high school, I miss the sport immensely, but will be trying out for UMaine next year.

During high school I played softball all four years. I was hoping to continue to play in college, but the competitive level I was looking for did not exist. During high school I started at 3rd base from my sophomore year on. I always trained during the off season as a sacrifice hitter; working on bunting and slapping skils from both sides. During the season I knew the purpose for me was to move the girls around the bases, so never did I take my batting average into consideration, as I was always sacrificing myself. At 3rd base I tried my hardest at all times. It payed off my senior year though, because for the season, I was the only team member that had zero errors for fielding. To learn even more about me, check out my MySpace Page.

My Family & Friends

My family consist of four all together: my mother Cheryl Anne, my father Randy and my older brother Travis. Both of my parents work full-time jobs and my brother is a full-time student. My mother works for Elegant homes as she is a bookkeeper/accountant for the company. My dad works for the United States Postal Service. He has been working for them since he was out of high school. My brother attends the University of Maine at Orono and is an international business student. He is currently in the UKraine for his internships over seas. He is gone for approximately six months.

My dad has always been actively involved in my brother and my lives. He has always been a huge support when it game to the sports that we played and the activities we were involved in. My mom has always been a big part of our success too. My brother and I consider her our biggest fan. My brother has always been an inspiration to me as well. During high school my brother played varsity level football and contiued to play Division I football at the University of Maine at Orono.

I have grown very close to seven girls at Elmira College and I will not forget any of them when I leave, but my greatest friends and closest ones are back home in Maine. My best friend Kara Leigh have been side by side since I met her in the 3rd grade. She is like the sister that I never had. I owe a lot to my friends at home for their continuous support and great personalities. We all get along very well and can confide in one another. I love my girls...

"A friend can tell you things you don't want to tell yourself." -Francis Ward Weller


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