Women in Environmental Sustainability

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Here you will have the opportunity to learn about two women, Rachel Briggs and Sandy Fitterer who have one thing in common: they both lead environmentally concious lifestyles. Both women do different things to contribute to the environment, however they are both passionate about composting.

Take a look around the website and learn something new!


-Diane Cenotti & Theresa Duffy

Rachel Briggs

A young woman originally from Honolulu, Hawaii, and who now attends College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine. Over her short life span she has been active in campaigning for environmental legislation as well as taking small steps in her every day life to preserve our beautiful planet.

Sandy Fitterer

A woman living in Ithaca, New York who lives an inspiring environmental lifestyle. This mother of 2 has spent years giving back to the Earth and honoring its beauty and resources.