Learn more about environmental issues from recycling to environmental activism and eco-living.

YES!  states that its mission is about connecting, inspiring, and collaborating with America’s youth. YES! gives young change makers a chance to build and create sustainable ways of life for all by funding exploratory programs. The website showcases the events and programs the organization is currently hosting, as well as supplying its members resources for future projects.

The Student Environmental Action Coalition is a political movement involving America’s youth. SEAC promotes education and action aimed towards environmental awareness, including the physical, political, economic, and cultural conditions in which we live in. SEAC encourages young people to join their local chapter of SEAC to begin the awareness movement. The site hosts ideas for service projects, all while keeping its members up to date with the latest in environmental activism.

Kids Saving the Rainforest is geared towards middle school children, showcasing multiple projects led by children and young adults in Costa Rica. The site also gives advice on how students can become involved with protecting the environment and promoting awareness. Teachers have a page of their own, as well, in which they can find ways to engage their students with environmental activism. The overall layout entices younger people to read about service projects happening in Costa Rica. Kids Saving the Rainforest is a simple way to get students interested about the needs of the environment, without being too laden down with facts.

Women in Europe for a Common Future was created in 1994 following the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, to give women a stronger voice in sustainable development and environmental policy, with the aim of balancing environmental, health and economic perspectives. WECF strives for a healthy environment for all.

Save money and make your home more eco-friendly. Ideas on this site include activities that you can get your entire family involved in, even young children. These tips prove helping the environment does not have to be a budget breaker.

Reduce-Reuse-Recycle-Research. Baby steps in every day life that take into consideration these four R’s can help take care of the Earth we all so dearly enjoy living on. Being conscious of the waste you’re throwing away versus the waste you can reuse for other purposes is a virtually effortless way to “go green.” Recycling is something that has become much easier over the past few years and therefore requires little explanation about its benefits. Finally, simply researching the companies and organizations supported by your money can not only save you money, but help preserve our environment. Take a look at the following website to learn about these four R’s in more detail.

Community-supported agriculture is a growing trend in the United States.Individuals purchase shares at local farms and in return they receive a certain amount of the products grown. Here is a website that allows you to search for a CSA near your home by simply entering your zip code.

Aveda is a skin care company that collects recycled bottle caps, after realizing that most people simply throw them away. Schools can become part of the cause by joining their campaign. Click on the link to find out more about how you can get involved in bottle cap recycling.

A list of 50 things you can recycle, including links to other websites that further explain how to recycle these items. Here is proof that recycling can be fun and easy.

Armenian women for health and healthy environment.   Get an international perspective on women and environmentalism.

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