Liz Walker


Liz Walker plays many roles in her life. Not only is she one the founders and residents of Ecovillage at Ithaca, but she is also a mother, an author working on her second book and planning her summer wedding. After participating on the Global Walk for a Livable World in 1990, she and co-founder Joan Bokaer develop their vision of building an ecovillage. Liz Walker has been working on the Ecovillage at Ithaca project since 1991. She has had her hand in every aspect of development, helping to take visions and making them into a reality. She presented her unique vision to members and formed a core cohesive group, participated in the housing development, and continues to spread concern and awareness of the environment. Ecovillage at Ithaca represents her vision of looking towards the future environment and being conscious of how to preserve it naturally. Liz works to spread this environmental awareness through the media and educational programs.

Walker’s key life experiences have had an impact on what she is working towards today. Her parents were consciously aware of the environment and she did the same when raising her own children. She was a key organizer for a various peace and environmental groups. These experiences have guided her work in community, conflict resolution, strong leadership and accomplishing large undertakings when obstacles are constantly an issue. She seems to have the ability to take on any task large or small, and her prior experiences are important assets. Liz is still a resident of Ecovillage at Ithaca today and is quite involved in the community.