~ Russian Heroes ~
The Faceless
Many individuals within Russia work vigorously to improve the world for their children. Businesses are slowly transgressing to become more green. However, with a goverment failing to recognize the situation, and weak laws giving companys no incentive to change thier patterns of improper disposal waste today, people fighting for a better future become bogged down with what appears to be an unwinnable battle.
It takes great courage, determination, passion, and commitment to undertake the task two remarkable women have accepted. Waging wars of the past, bigger and more complex than one could possibly dream. To improve the conditions of the lands Russian citizens reside within requires more than just bringing your own mesh bag to the grocery store. Where does one begin to improve a situation with no end, with regions and issues undocumented from times of war, forgotten?
Olga Speranskay
“We can make a difference” A message that has been passed among school children learning about the world and struggling societies. Unfortunately not all nations have made the transitions or have the resources necessary to ensure the well being of its people. Russia’s history is both beautiful and hideous. Winner of the 2009 Europe Goldman Environmental Prize, Russian scientist Olga Speranskaya exists as a remarkable woman changing the world for future generations by eliminating the toxic legacy of soviet past in providing knowledge and advocating for government supporting involvement.
to Learn more about Olga Speranskay, please visit these sites:
~The Goldman Environmental Prize
~Heros of the Environment 2009
Tatjana Bochkareva
A coordinator of the Russian Federation Committe on Urban Ecology, Tatjana seeks to improve Russia and the country's issues of sustainability regarding societal transformation in congruence with undertaking the task of instilling environmental changes in local and urban regions.
to Learn more about Tatjana Bochkareva, please visit these sites:
~Sustainability as a Concept of the Social Sciences