Why Do They Do It?

What Women Think....

Harassment can come in the form of sexually derogatory comments or behaviors that create an unpleasant or hostile atmosphere and tends to occur in formerly all-male workplaces. It is in this environment that harassment seems to be a way for men to regain status lost with the entrance of women into the previously male work field. The question is, therefore, what do the women that are being harassed think motivates their harassers? A study by Peggy Crull showed that the women's beliefs about why men harass typically fall into one of the four categories...

Harasser's Psychology - This places a sort of psychological weakness upon the harasser, usually citing personal problems as a source of behavior. Insecurity of the men with themselves also falls into this category. Some women also think that the sexual behavior in itself represents a sign of the man's personal problems.

Power Derived from the Work Relationship - Many women think that some aspect of the harasser's or their own work situation is an explanation for the harassment. More clearly, it can be felt that men harass as an extension of power they have at work. In jobs typically held by men, women may feel that men are reacting to a threat of a loss of power in their own field...such as professional chefs.

The Male Gender Role - This category cites social reasons as to be blamed for harassing behavior towards women. Harassing can be seen as an extension of typical gender roles within a society. Men have been socialized to behave as such towards women and that is their reason for harassing, according to some women in the study.

Miscellaneous Responses - These can range from thinking the man feels sorry for single and unmarried women, thus that is the reason for the harassing behavior, not wanting the woman to be alone. Other reasons that fall into this category included the man's prior success in sleeping with other women coworkers and being encouraged by the results of his behavior thus far.

Link Menu

Sexual Harassment Overview
The Impact of Sexual Harassment
What Motivates Harassers
The History of Harassment
A Man's Kitchen