The Issue in Gender and Coaching
In today's athletics, there is great controversy to whether female athletes will perform better with a male or female as their head coach. Title IX was a huge impact on the sports world, assuring equality of women in sports. For years, women have been in the shadows of males in the work place and in athletics. With the increase in women's athletics, more men are applying for the jobs as coaches then other females. One area of equality is increasing as the other is decreasing.
To read what college coaches have to say about the issues today and Title IX check out the interviews page. Clicking on the women's page you can learn how the opportunities for women have increased over the years and the links page provides informational websites and articles.
~About 80% of all coaches in the collegiate and high school level are male. (1)
~In the collegiate level, 2% of the coaches of men's team's team are women and less then half are coaches of women's teams. (1)
~A study by the NCAA showed that about 51% of female athletes preferred a male as their coach, and about 40% saying they would prefer a female as their coach. (2)
~Only about 2-3% of male teams are coached by a female. (3)