


Homophobia is the illogical fear or intolerance of lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people. In the world of female sports, homophobia also takes on the form of heterosexism, which is a form of discrimination that favors heterosexuals over lesbians and bisexuals. Heterosexism also includes the concept that the homosexual lifestyle is wrong because it does not follow the norms in which society has laid out for us. In order to eliminate these bias beliefs, society needs to break away from their negative and unjust views.

The reason that homophobia and heterosexism is so powerful in today's society is because the lesbian label continues to hold a negative view in the minds of many individuals. Society's belief on the lesbian holds no actual ground other than illogical fear based upon an embellished stereotype. In order to change society's attitude toward the lesbian individual, society needs to accept that the lesbian is an individual like anyone else and that it is only a variation in sexuality not personality. Once the term lesbian loses its stigma then the word and harmful comments lose their influence over females.

Educating the public about lesbians and creating laws to protect the female athletes' experience is key to changing the views that are associated with the lesbian athlete. When more people speak out against society's harmful views then our population will break down unjust beliefs and a more understanding and tolerant society will form.

Change begins within each individual and if each person speaks out against the injustice of the female athlete and the lesbian woman then our society will move faster to a more accepting place.