Hello and welcome to my website!

I'm currently a senior at Elmira College with 7 days left before graduation!

A six week old tiger in Myrtle Beach.



Home Page

I was adopted as a baby. Two days after I was born I was brougt home to my parents Mary and Kenneth Evans. I've kept them on their toes ever since. A heart murmer was discovered when I was around five years old, and I had open heart surgery not long after. I played soccer for twelve years, and discovered my passion for hockey when I was a sophmore in High School. I've always enjoyed playing, watching and coaching sports. I've never really excelled at anything besides sports. School has never really been my thing. I'm surprised that I will be graduating college in about a week. I learned more in college than over the entire course of my life, I think. I discovered who I am in more ways than I can count.

My nickname is PUP. Everyone finds ways to change it up a little. Pupperoni, Pupolas, Puppy and the list goes on. I got my nickname my freshman year from my hockey team. Our coach was explaining a defensive drill, the center is the mom, the defense have their own rooms in the lower circles, and the wingers are the kids and they have their designated "rooms" too. Our goalie Jenn asked coach "Where do I go Coach?" and our coach replied "In the doghouse". Jenn was designated the "Dog" and since I was the freshman goalie I was designated "PUP". The name stuck and not many people on campus even know I have a real name.

What else do you need to know about me? If you are bold enough feel free to IM me at gypsygoalie

Or feel free to e-mail me at karenevans29pup@hotmail.com


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