Sports and outdoor recreation is an integral part of the social, mental, physical and emotional growth of a human being. But, for thousands of years women were seen as inferior to men and were therefore prohibited from performing such acts. Consequently, they were forced to live in a male-driven world where gender inequality was depriving them of all the excitement and adventures that life has to offer.

Gone are the days when women were only seen as good enough for making babies, keeping the house and prohibited from participating in intense physical activities. Women have gotten out of the household environment and worked their way towards obtaining equal professional status in sports and outdoor activities just like men.

As time progressed, many specific adjustments have been made in the sports world just for women simply for the mere fact that they showed the world that they were tenacious, possessed a drive, adequate, determined, and willing to do their best even when all the odds are stacked against them and they have to stand alone. They have produced first class results and consequently received many obvious and obscure benefits that are geared toward their best interest and for the advancement and refinement of their skills. That is why today, women are professional sports players and high-class outdoor recreation personnel.

As a result, many alterations have been made to the rules of most sports, for the gear and equipment that they use, the game setting, and in the things they do to provide incentives for sports. And that is why today, women are professional sports players and high class outdoor recreation personnel.