Who am I? you wonder (or maybe you don't wonder. either way you're still here reading :)
I am a really fun, loving, joyful and peaceful person.
I really enjoy being around people and I’m always up for an adventure.
Thanks to my amazing parents I’ve had the opportunity to travel the country and the world, for which I am so very grateful.
I really enjoy New York City pizza, and love the smell of coffee but hate the taste. I’m a tea drinker (black tea, none of that herbal stuff).
I am 100% Irish which I think is pretty cool (I knew my great-grandmother who immigrated to America). With that, I love tea and Irish soda bread. So yummie.
Some of my favorite books include:The Bible by God; Mere Christianity & The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis; The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
I really enjoy being outdoors and exploring nature. I love the challenge of trying something new and pushing myself to the limit to see how much I am actually capable of.I think America has some of the most beautiful national parks and would love to RV around the county going to them all.
But beyond everything else, my absolute favorite part about being myself and being in college has been changing people's definition of what it means to be a Christian. Example: the number one response I get from people is, "but you're cool!" I do my very best to bring God's love to others. I am by no means perfect (and I don't claim to be). I know I make mistakes some times; we all do. For me it's pretty simple: God took me from the typical, average life and transformed me into a life full of adventure and crazy cool dreams and more love than I thought possible.
God is so cool. And so awesome and filled with love. And get this: Church can be fun - AND enjoyable! I know, Church & fun being in the same sentence may be a bit of a shock for some; take a deep breath and roll with it. You're in luck if you're reading this in the Elmira area because there's a ton of awesome churches in the area - so go and check one out!
watch this: awesomness (watch the whole thing)