Getting Involved
This class gave me the opportunity to embark on new experiences i would never consider in my regular life. I do go outsid eand do enjoy the outdoors, and never shy away from good time. It just takes me a bit more motivation to get out there and try new things. I would never consider any kind of hiking unless i was with a group, and thats just what this class offered. Besides getting to learn about important females impacting the environment and learning how to make webmages. We all got the chance to get involvd in the community and experience the environment in and around Elmira.
Instead of spending the day in class we got the luxury of going to the Ithaca Gorge for the day. Our instruction were to get a picture at the bottom, middle, top and bottom again at some point in the day. So Monday morning, our hiking group met at the Dunkin Donuts and hit Route 13. After a short drive we arrived at the Gorge. The Weather was nothing to complain about because it was gorgeous, however we shelthered by the trees so we did not get too hot. The hikes was 2.5 miles up to the tree line and then another 2.5 back down. It was not as easy as i thought it would be, everyone had a bit of sweat on their forheads. After climbing the finals miles up stairs we made it to the top! The hike back down was alot easier then going up. After couple hours we had completed our hike and it was time to head home.
We were given another opportunity to experience our environment, except this time a bit more locally at Tanglewood Nature Park. After being split up into two groups we headed up the trails to find three geocashes. These geocashes were registered and all we were given were there coordinates and a couple hints. The first one was not to hard to find, we just happened to pass by it as we were walking by. The second and third geocash however cause us more of an issue. They were kidden very well amongst the trees. The second geocash was in an metal box consisting of many little items. I decided to leave my Canadian Loonie, and we picked up a chipmunk McDonalds Toy. We moved on from this and headed on to the last geocash we involved the muddiest and hardest hike of them all. Hidden three feet off the ground was a little container. Inside was more little items, we exchanged for a little bunny ring. All together it was a muddy, hot hike, but a good experience!