On October 5, 2007, Olympics' Shirley Temple revealed disturbing and shocking news to the world. Jones admitted to lying to federal agents about usage of steroids before the Sidney Olympics 2000, while also
admitting to false statements made in reference to a check-fraud case and the BALCO case. In the case of BALCO, Jones denied the usage of steroid, Tetrahydrogestrinone to the federal agents. The track star stated that Trevor Graham, Jones' coach supplied her with Tetrahydrogestrinone assuring Jones that the substances were only flaxseed oil supplements. The distorted track star also stated that she had only consumed the drug while training under Trevor Graham. Thus, when the federal agents asked Jones about consuming steroids while presenting to her a sample of Tetrahydrogestrinone, she panicked and denied ever taking Tetrahydrogestrinone. [4]
In October 2007, Jones pleaded guilty to the Southern New York Court District. As a result, to such a brave yet disgraceful confession, Jones was stripped of her American and Belizean passports until her sentence was adjudicated upon. On January 11, 2008, Jones was sentenced six months in prison due to her plea bargain.[5]
Athanasia Tsoumeleka Greece’s champion race walker was one of the best athletes in her field. However, in a report by ESPN on April 13th 2009 she was charged with doping. Tsoumeleka was charged with using the drug CERA that is considered to be a derivative of the blood booster EPO. She has been sentenced to two years to prison time and has been banned from competition for two years. According to Tsoumeleka she has never knowingly used the drug, however after her sentence she has announced that she will be retiring.
According to CBC Over the last few years, China has been watched because of their recent rise as a powerhouse
in swimming. In the last 15 years China has won over 20 gold medals and titles in swimming, thus leading to the suspicion that drug use may have been a factor. Since 1990, over 40 Chinese athletes have been suspended or forbidden to compete in sports due to their failed drug tests. China will continue to be in the hot seat for doping suspicion. As a result, the governing body of swimming, FINA has applied pressure to the Chinese government concerning their swimmers leading to a notable decrease in the amount of participating Chinese athletes on the podiums.