
For class we have had some out door activities. One of them was geocaching at TaGeocachingnglewood Nature Center. We split into two different groups and each tried to find two geocaches. Trying to find them was an adventure all in itself, then when you add four other people in your group all trying to find the same thing you are it almost turns into chaos; but fun chaos. Our group consisted of Renaldo, Claudette, Jalene, Jamie and myself. We were able to find one of the two geocaches that we were assigned to try to find. By the time we had gotten to the other one it was time for us to leave. We all had fun getting lost with a GPS system and made memories that will probably never be forgotten, such as running up the side of a mountain.


Watkins Glen


The second activity that we have done was hiking at Watkins Glen state park. ThereWatkins Glen are waterfalls and caverns for people to look at as they walk through. Unfortunately that day we were unable to go all the way through the trail but it was still fun. We took some other trails and ended up in a cemetery, which was unexpected but interesting. Our outdoor activities have shown to be times for our class to bond since some of us have different opinions on why people play sports. Getting to show that it is good for people to take part in some sort of physical activity on a regular basis was probably a good thing for our class.


Geocaching View