High School Softball

I have been playing softball for eleven years. I love the sport and every team that I have played with has been amazing. I played on my high school team and we always did very well. I went to Sandy Creek Central School, and played three years on the varsity softball team there. Out of the three years that I played varsity we went to the State Championships twice. Both times were an amazing experience and we really got to see and play some great teams. Going that far is probably what got me prepared to play college softball. Along with having a coaching staff that knew what they were talking about so that I could work on skills that I needed to work on.

Sandy Creek Softball Team

College Softball


Going from high school softball to college softball was difficult at first but just like everything else it became easier over time. The pitching was obviously better because colleges are able to be more selective with who they keep and who they do not keep. If you really love a sport then playing in college is always a good idea because the competition is so much better than what most people face in high Elmira Jerseyschool. High school was never very difficult for me until we got into post season play so coming to college and playing was definitely eye opening. It made me realize that if I wanted to actually play and not just be on the team that I need to make sure that I worked on everything as often as I could and worked up to my full potential. Even though softball at Elmira is not really known for doing well in conference play we did better this year. Our overall record was 16 wins and 10 losses. Playing on this team has not only made me like softball more but it has also helped me to make some really good friends in the process. Sports have always been a good way for me to make friends and it gives us something in common that we are able to talk about.

Advantages of Playing Softball

Rach, Bam, and I

Softball and sports in general, have always been a good way for most people to make friends. You meet many people going to tournaments and camps and everything that you already have Yeager and Isomething in common with so you do not even really have to try to start a conversation. Starting having something in common with the people you are around makes it much easier to make really close friends while playing sports. Many of my friends I met either through playing softball or through other friends on my teams that introduced me to them. Sports are almost like a social network that you have to gain friends by common interest.