The Sport!
"All hockey players are bilingual. They know English and profanity." ~Gordie Howe
When someone thinks Canada they think maple syrup, beer and hockey. Well, as you guessed it, that is my sport. Hockey has been a part of my family since before I was born and has always been a major interest in my country. Before I was even able to walk I was put on skates in my backyard rink with my older brother holding onto a chair for dear life. I spent all my life at rinks, having slushy’s that turned my lips blue at the snack bar, playing mini sticks in the lobby with all the little sisters and watching hockey on TV and in person. My dad always played as a child, then my brother and then somehow it rubbed off on me. First I tried the figure skates and realized I could not understand how to stop with your toe. So I strapped on boys hockey skates and felt comfortable.
I started playing when I was 4 years old for a young boys hockey league and started developing the fundamentals of hockey. Most people do not realize how difficult it is to learn the basics of hockey. After only a short year, I decided that it was more of my interest to play with girls my age. I played with a league until I was about 12 years old and moved up to more advanced league. The coaches I experienced taught me more about hockey but also leadership skills, teamwork skills and dedication.
Hockey has been my life since I have been able to talk so I felt I should include it. I would not be the same without the friends I have made during the years and life lessons I have obtained.
The pictures throughout the years!