Deb Bettencourt
Profiles Page

During our first day of our women’s studies class, our professors gave us the assignment of interviewing one woman in a sports career and creating a website using the material we gained from this encounter. We were eager to begin, but realized we were immediately at a standstill, since we could not decide whom was to be the focus of our project. A few ideas came to mind, but nothing seemed to really catch our interest. Unsure of what to do, we decided that perhaps each member of our group could perform some individual research and come up with a few suggestions of possible interviewees, then decide on one the next day.

By a stroke of good luck, Deb Bettencourt’s name appeared after one of our group members did an internet search. Our group member pitched the idea to the rest of us, and without question, we all agreed Deb was a perfect candidate. We were drawn not only to the fact that Deb was a successful and accomplished woman in a sports career but also that she was involved in such a unique organization. Deb, who is currently the General Manager for the Rhode Island Women’s Baseball League, has been actively involved in this organization for the last 25 years. Her involvement started as a child when she played in the league and continued on into her adult life. She currently serves as the manager for the league, as well as a coach. In addition to this, she is involved in multiple baseball organizations, such as the Women's Baseball League in Cleveland, Ohio, and has chaperoned various baseball related trips.

We admired her strong connection with the Rhode Island Women's Baseball League, one of the only women’s baseball leagues in the United States, as well as her goal to help women of all ages gain an equal opportunity in the game of baseball. Deb has spent years creating an organization that gains equality for women and promotes a inspiring message of women’s athletic abilities. We would like to use this site to recognize and honor Deb for her many accomplishments.