Player Agent
Many people have their ideas about what a player agent is within
a baseball league. Deb shared with us her duties as a player
agent. Her
primary responsibility as a player agent is to figure out wher e
girls are going to be placed in the league and to recruit more players.
Age is a big factor in placing girls in different divisions. However,
it’s more about making sure the girls in between ages end up in
the right division according to their skills.
“Obviously, you’re not looking for talent. We don’t ever turn
anyone away based on talent. When you’re dealing with the general
public, in a non-competitive way, you let everyone in.
I guess they should say player-parent agent because you got to deal with
the parents too. I like this part of the league because I get to know
who everybody is. We like to send out birthday cards…just to let
them know we’re still thinking of them during the off season.”
Recruiting players is not always easy for Bettencourt. The league sends
fliers to local schools, which they suspect often end up in a dumpster
somewhere never getting to the kids. They put ads in newspapers, and
certain radio announcers do a good job of remembering them each year.
The Slaterettes try to go anywhere where girls go to recruit players
such as Girl Scouts or the Boys and Girls Club. This year they’re
looking into recruiting at various all girls’ schools.
“One market that I would like to get my hands on are the all girl schools,
the private schools. Private schools are very hard to get into. They
are very strict about what they pass out. So actually, that’s my
goal this year.”
Though Deb loves being a board member for the Slaterettes, she
says she will never be president because once you are locked into that
role, you are basically stuck there. She likes where her job is at now
because it lets her be a part of all the baseball leagues when it comes
to placing girls in other areas around the country.