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My Family
Those I will always love... for we are blood.

Those who make everything fun and worthwhile.

Keala Kennelly
A woman who inspires and drives me.

Curtis Joseph
The man who got me hooked to ice hockey goaltending.

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Friendship Is Like the Flowers
By Missy Wendland

Friendships are like flowers,
Blooming all the time.
Similar, and yet so different.
Each one like a chime.
Some echo on for ages,
Touching the soul of your heart.
And some in short phases,
That quickly fall apart.

Friendship is so much like the flowers,
It starts with a simple seed.
Withering without encouraging showers,
Broken by the weeds.
But by sprinkling it with gentle words,
The transformation will soon show.
Catching the eye of single birds,
The wonder we shall know.

As it takes root,
It may grow sturdy or frail,
Relying how much effort into it, we may put,
Its petals grow vivid or pale.
As the years blow away like the wind,
It is obvious to see,
That through thick and thin,
I've been blessed by a flower
That has always stood next to me.

Thank you, Thank you!
Dearest friend of mine,
Love you I surely do,
For you've made me laugh and live a life
that makes my troubles shine.

Thank you to all of my friends… life is just more fun with you guys. All of you are priceless, I may not get to see you all very often, but I love you all.