When I was younger the main focus of my life was Boy Scouts. I cannot remember a horrible time that I had in the I love going on camping trips, hikes, and canoe trips. Even being swarmed by bees or falling down in to gorges seem fun in hindsight. I stayed in Boy Scou
ts for 6 years until I couldn?t stay any longer, but I had an absolute blast. It was a huge part of my young life.
In High School, my life was Marching Band. It was where I met most of my friends, where I spent most of my time and the place where I might have had the most fun. Some people say that Marching Band isn?t a sport, but you try carrying a twenty-pound drum or a tuba marching around in a synchronized fashion. During the winter months, I wrestled.
Wrestling is one of the hardest sports on the planet, in my opinion. Never, in my life have I been subjected to so
many rules, regulations and workouts. Yet, never in my life have I felt like I have accomplished so much at the end of the season. In the spring, like my Dad, I played lacrosse. Lacrosse is what we eat, drink and sleep in my family. If you don?t do lacrosse, you?re not a Leyden. Everyone in the family has played lacrosse at one point in time. I was a goalie, which was one of the greatest decisions I have made in my life. I only played JV, but regardless, I was good. My senior year in High School, I practiced Tai Chi. Most people call it the ancient art of ?hand waving.? I really enjoyed it though and it was so much more than hand waving. I met a lot of great people and really helped me grow body and mind.
Now as a sophomore at Elmira College, I don?t do much. I usually spend my time hanging out with friends or playing video games. Although, I do play softball or the occasional soccer game in the spring, which is awesome by the way. I couldn?t be having more fun in college and I can?t wait for the years to come.